Life Forced a Writing Break, but that’s Okay.

This past weekend has been long, emotionally heavy, and rough on the family. Any plans I had for writing towards my WIP goal have been put on the back burner for the past week and a half so I can best attend family stuff. I’m not going to break down the weekend; just suffice it…

Struggling with Life and Writing

Planning for 2018 has been pretty good so far. I’m on track for most of my goals and I’m encouraged to keep going with new ideas. I’ve scoured Pinterest and other “neat idea” places to help build blog post ideas, writing prompts, and other things to give great content. I’ve been studying up on SEO…

A Word of Warning to all Writers

Today I found out that the lit mag NY Literary Magazine had closed shop. This was a page I kept an eye on and managed to have some pieces of poetry published through, so naturally I was confused. After a basic Google search, I found out that they had a contest email go out to…

Cover Reveal for Fifty-One by Chris Barnham!!

  Fifty-One by Chris Barnham Available on February 12, 2018 from Filles Vertes Publishing, LLC ( Cover Art Credit : Kate Cowan, Broken Arrow Designs ) Blurb: Jacob Wesson is a timecop from 2040, sent back to WWII London to stop the assassination of Britain’s war leader. The assignment plays out with apparent ease, but…

Book Review: Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau

I’d like to say that I did research into what book I wanted to start 2018 reading and delved into books that were relevant or popular, but Dividing Eden was an impulse read. My local library had the book displayed as one of the books it was highlighting and the premise sounded interesting. Dividing Eden…

Coffee Talk – Jan 2018

I’ve been watching a lot of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee lately. I caught a few episodes of the show several months ago, but now that the show is posted on Netflix, I’ve been binge watching a lot of it. The show is a simple talk/interview show where comedian Jerry Seinfeld picks up someone in…

I Think I Have a Hobby that has Taken Over my Brain

It was inevitable. I knew someday this would happen and I thought I was prepared, but the day has finally come. I will need to start a new journal. I’ve been keeping a daily journal since September 15th and it has become part of my routine. I love being able to go back and see…

Look at All the Words!

It’s official: we have words! After having trouble getting in front of my computer and making time to write at home, I finally hunkered down and did it. Stemming from the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year, I’m on track to keep up with writing at least 20,000 words a…

Reality Wasn’t that Bad to Come Back to. Who Knew?

Now that the holidays are finished we must come back to reality. Schedules and routines wait for us behind that last day of New Year’s. Thankfully, things haven’t been as rough as I had thought they would be. Work has been relatively quiet with the odd meeting or project that needs some attention. I’ve could…

Plans for January and Beyond!

Going into 2018, I wanted to give myself a better shot at being more productive through the year. I had more consistency in journaling and keeping up with blog posts, but it was more reacting to the week and keeping up with the schedule I had made in my head. At the start of a…